

2020年10月28日 21:55  点击:[]





E-mail: guilinli1@163.com








2020/12-至今,   山东农业大学,动物科技学院,博士后

2023/01-至今,   Betway必威手机版,必威BETWAY官网,副教授




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(32202739),2023-2025,主持。

2、山东省自然科学基金青年基金 (ZR2022QC072) 2023-2025,主持。

3. 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2019MC050),2019-202215万,参加

4. 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2017MC064),2017-202014万,参与

5. 山东省现代农业产业技术体系蜂产业创新团队建设任务,蜂产业创新团队环境与病虫害防控岗位专家(SDAIT-24-04),2016-2020125万,参与

6. 国家自然基金(31572470),2016-201965万,参与


1.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Dezheng Guo, Zhenguo   Liu, Hongfang Wang, Qinghua Sun, Qingxin Liu, Baohua Xu, Xingqi Guo. Distinct   molecular impact patterns of abamectin on Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis   cerana cerana. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2022,   232:113242. (TOP)

2.       Guilin Li, Shuxin Zhang, Hongfang Wang,   Li Liang, Zhenguo Liu, Ying Wang, Baohua Xu, Hang Zhao. Differential   Expression Characterisation of the Heat Shock Proteins DnaJB6, DnaJshv,   DnaJB13, and DnaJB14 in Apis cerana cerana Under Various Stress Conditions. Frontiers   in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 0:873791.

3.       Guilin Li, Cenghao Zhang, Hongfang   Wang, Wenli Xia, Xinyi Zhang, Zhenguo Liu, Ying Wang, Hang Zhao, Baohua Xu.   Characterisation of the heat shock protein Tid and its involvement in stress   response regulation in Apis cerana. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022   13:1068873.

4.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Hongbin Guo,   Ying Wang, Xuepei Cui, Han Li, Baohua Xu*,   Xingqi Guo*. Analyses of the function of DnaJ family proteins reveal an   underlying regulatory mechanism of heat tolerance in honeybee. Science of   the Total Environment, 2020, 716: 137036. (TOP)

5.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Hongbin Guo,   Ying Wang, Xuepei Cui, Baohua Xu*,   Xingqi Guo*. Functional and transcriptomic analyses of the NF-Y family   provide insights into the defense mechanisms of honeybees under adverse   circumstances. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2020 77(23):4977-4995   (TOP)                                                  

6.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Zhenguo Liu,   Hongfang Wang, Baohua Xu* and Xingqi Guo*. The wisdom of honeybee defenses   against environmental stresses. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:   722. (TOP)

7.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Lijun Wang, Ying   Wang, Xingqi Guo*, Baohua Xu*. The animal nuclear factor Y: an enigmaticand   important heterotrimeric transcription factor. American Journal of Cancer   Research, 2018, 8(7): 1106-1125.

8.       Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Xuemei Zhang,   Yanming Zhang, Huayu Zhao, Xinxin Yang, Xingqi Guo*, Baohua Xu*.   Environmental stress responses of DnaJA1, DnaJB12 and DnaJC8 in Apis   cerana cerana. Frontiers in Genetics, 2018, 9: 445. 

9.       Guilin Li, Haihong Jia, Hongfang Wang,   Yan Yan, Xingqi Guo, Qinghua Sun*, Baohua Xu*. Developmental characterization   and environmental stress responses of Y-box binding protein 1 gene (AccYB-1)   from Apis cerana cerana. Gene, 2018, 674: 37-48.

10.   Guilin Li, Yanming Zhang, Yong Ni,   Ying Wang, Baohua Xu*, Xingqi Guo*. Identification of a melatonin receptor   type 1A gene (AccMTNR1A) in Apis cerana cerana and its   involvement in the response to low temperature stress. Science of Nature,   2018, 105(3-4): 24.

11.   李桂林,王颖,马兰婷,郭恒俊,胥保华,郭兴启。山东省各地市蜜蜂黑蜂王台病毒抽样检测分析。中国蜂业,201768(11)13-17

12.   Guilin Li, Hang Zhao, Hongfang Wang,   Xulei Guo, Xingqi Guo, Qinghua Sun*, Baohua Xu*. Characterization of a   decapentapletic gene (AccDpp) from Apis cerana cerana and its   involvement in development and response to oxidative stress.PlosOne,2016, 11(2).                                                                                                                                                 

13.   Guilin Li, Haihong Jia, Hongfang Wang,   Yan Yan, Xingqi Guo, Qinghua Sun*, Baohua Xu*. A typical RNA-binding protein   gene in Apis cerana cerana, and its possible involvement in   development and stress responses. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2016,   21(6): 1005-1019.

14.   Hang Zhao, Guilin Li, Dezheng Guo, Ying Wang, Qingxin Liu,   Zheng Gao, Hongfang Wang, Zhenguo Liu, Xingqi Guo*, Baohua Xu*.   Transcriptomic and metabolomic landscape of the molecular effects of   glyphosate commercial formulation on Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis   cerana cerana. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 744:   140819. (TOP)

15.   Xuemei Zhang, Guilin Li, Xinxin Yang, Lijun Wang, Ying   Wang, Xingqi Guo, Han Li*, Baohua Xu*. Identification of a DnaJC3 gene   in Apis cerana cerana and its involvement in various stress responses.   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2019, 160: 171-180. (TOP)

16.   Yong Ni, Guilin Li, Xiaomin Ji, Yaqian Yang, Xingqi Guo*,   Qinghua Sun*. Identification of an inositol-3-phosphate synthase 1-B gene (AccIPS1-B)   from Apis cerana cerana and its role in abiotic stress. Cell Stress   and Chaperones, 2019, 24(1): 1101-111.


指导本科生获得优秀毕业论文1项,校级大创项目1项。此外,指导本科生在 “全国大学生生命科学创新创业竞赛”、“山东省大学生医药生物技术技能大赛”等各类专业技能竞赛中共获奖4次,其中获得国家级竞赛二等奖1次、省部级一等奖2次、三等奖1次。



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