

2020年10月28日 21:44  点击:[]



博士,副教授,Frontiers in Genetics客座编辑,Agriculture Communications预备青年编委。


E-mail: hangzhaolgl@163.com



2010.09-2014.06  泰山学院,生物与酿酒工程学院,学士

2014.09-2017.06  山东农业大学,必威BETWAY官网,硕士

2017.09-2020.06  山东农业大学,必威BETWAY官网,博士

2020.08-2022.12  Betway必威手机版,必威BETWAY官网,讲师

2021.12- 至今    中国农业科学院棉花研究所, 博士后

2023.01- 至今    Betway必威手机版,必威BETWAY官网,副教授


1、  棉花早熟性状调控机理研究

2、  棉花抗逆分子生物学


1、  国家自然科学青年基金项目(32201762),2023-202530万,主持

2、  山东省自然科学基金青年项目(ZR2022QC0032023-202515万,主持

3、  中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2022M723460),2023-20248万,主持

4、  国家自然科学基金重点项目(42230703),2023-2027270万,参与



1.         Zhao H, Huang X, Yang Z, Li F. 2023.   Synergistic optimization of crops by combining early maturation with other   agronomic traits, Trends in Plant Science. (TOP, 五年影响因子: 23.115)

2.         Zhao H, Ge X, Li F. 2022. Revitalize China's   cotton industry, Nature 604, 625. (TOP, 五年影响因子:63.57)

3.         Zhao H, Chen Y, Liu J, Wang Z, Li F, Ge X.   2022. Recent advances and future perspectives in early-maturing cotton research.   New Phytologist 237(4):1100-1114 (TOP, 五年影响因子:10.767)

4.         Li G, Zhang S,   Wang H, Liang L, Liu Z, Wang Y, Xu B*, Zhao H*. 2022. Differential Expression Characterisation of   the Heat Shock Proteins DnaJB6, DnaJshv, DnaJB13, and DnaJB14 in Apis cerana   cerana Under Various Stress Conditions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,   2022, 0:873791. (五年影响因子:4.648)

5.         Zhao H, Li   G, Cui X, Wang H, Liu Z, Yang Y, Xu B. 2022. Review   on effects of some insecticides on honey bee health. Pesticide   Biochemistry and Physiology 188:105219. (TOP, 五年影响因子:4.591)

6.         Zhao H, Li G, Liu Q, Gao Z, Wang H, Liu   Z, Guo X, Xu B. 2020. Transcriptomic and metabolomic landscape of the   molecular effects of glyphosate commercial formulation on Apis mellifera   ligustica and Apis cerana cerana. Science of the Total Environment   744: 140819. (TOP, 五年影响因子:10.23)

7.         Li G, Zhao H (共同第一作者),   Guo H, Wang Y, Cui X, Xu B, Guo X. 2020. Functional and   transcriptomic analyses of the NF-Y family provide insights into the defense   mechanisms of honeybees under adverse circumstances. Cellular and   Molecular Life Sciences 77(23):4977-4995 (TOP, 五年影响因子:10.002)

8.         Zhao H, Lin K, Gan S, Li G. 2020. Arabidopsis   NF-YA8 inhibits the juvenile-to-adult transition by activating transcription   of MIR156s. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(16):4890-4902.   (TOP, 五年影响因子:8.291)  

9.         Zhao H*, Bao Y. 2021. "PIF4: Integrator of   light and temperature cues in plant growth. Plant Science 313: 111086. (五年影响因子:5.454)

10.      Zhao H, Wu D, Kong F, Lin K, Zhang H,   Li G. 2017. The Arabidopsis thaliana Nuclear Factor Y transcription   factors. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 2045. (高被引论文, TOP, 五年影响因子:7.255)




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